Upon Lemewria an order of Cat Priestesses arose that specifically exercised ritual power over the Orb of Holofelinity. This occult female order was comprised of both Felis and Panthera type Lyrans, and therefore represented a unification of differing strata of Lemewrian Society. However, its activities were largely secret, and much of the powerful esoteric knowledge of the Cat Priestesshood of Pussiopolis never escaped the destruction of Lemewria. Just as the Orb of Holofelinity came in shards to Planet Earth, so to did the Teachings of Holofelinity, preserved carefully by the surviving Cat Priestesses who resettled as extraterrestrial refugees upon the wild Earth. Upon this planet they were much more than mere priestesses and were like unto goddesses, and it is from this lineage that the tradition of Cat Goddesses of Ancient Egypt – Bastet, Sekhmet, Tefnut, etc. – derives. The Cat Priestesses had a central role in the creation of humankind. Initially, Homo Sapiens were engineered to be a pro-wrestler species, general entertainer and erotic plaything to the Lyran Cat Lords who rapidly succumbed to intermarriage with mankind resulting not only with the familiar tale of cosmic retribution for a miscegenation of divinity, but also in the elevation of human consciousness with an inkling of the profound power of Holofelinity.