Space Cat Sessions is an on site multimedia slideshow presentation of the Cathenge Mythos by David Normal with musical accompaniment by Xxhe (Ręal Varnes) at the Cathenge installation. Patricia’s Green, Hayes Valley, San Francisco
Bi-weekly series every Thursday evening at 9 PM
Starting May 11th, 2023.

- Thurs. May 11th 9PM
- Thurs. May 25th 9PM
- Thurs. Jun 8th 9PM
- Thurs. Jun 22nd 9PM
- Thurs. Jul 6th 9PM
- Thurs. Jul 20th 9PM
- Thurs. Aug 3rd 9PM
- Thurs. Aug 17th 9PM
- Thurs. Aug 31st 9PM
- Thurs. Sep 14th 9PM
- Thurs. Sep 28th 9PM
- Thurs. Oct 12th 9PM
- Thurs. Oct 26th 9PM

Cathenge Mythos Talk – the Saga of the Space Cats, our Feline Overlords
Lecture by David Normal (Creator of Cathenge Cat Temple)
45 min power point presentation +Q&A
The Cathenge Mythos is the saga of the Lyran Space Cats, our ancient extraterrestrial feline overlords and the true creators of the human race. Learn how the Lyran Space Cats came to Earth at the height of the Ice Age, and of their awesome cosmic powers, and the lost secrets of how the Egyptian Pyramids were really built.
In this fast-paced and densely information packed Power Point Presentation, Artist and Researcher, David Normal (Creator of the Cathenge Cat Temple), will reveal the results of years of esoteric research into the history of the Extraterrestrial Space Cats from the Lyran star system.

Topics Covered:
- Feline Life in the Ancient Cat Civilization on Planet Lemewria orbiting the Pole Star Vega
- Holofelinity: Universal Cat Consciousness
- Cat Goddesses of the Lyran Religion
- The Cat Priestesshood of Pussiopolis
- Lyran Cat People and the interstellar “Starseed” races.
- The “Disco-Lyran Wars” between Lyran Cat People and Disco Reptilians
- “Pizzazium” and recreational transubstantiation among mystic felines
- How and why cats shoot lasers from their eyes
- The Orb of Holofelinity and its destruction
- Origins of the Catolith – Sacred Symbol of Holofelinity
- Arrival of Lyrans on Planet Earth
- Catlantis and New Lemewria – Ice Age Cat Civilizations
- Pro-wrestling and the creation of the human race
- Pursuit to Earth by the Disco Reptilians
- The Great Cat Mau, the Yonger Dryass and the Legends of the Deluge
- Enki, Thoth, Quetzalcoatl and the Feline Teachers of Civilization
- “Annunaki” – The Draconian Heresy and the enslavement of mankind
- The departure of the Cat People from Planet Earth
- Sekhmet, Bastet, Tefnut – Secrets of the Egyptian Cat Goddesses
- Holofelinity and the Housecat
- Kitty Kundalini – reclaiming the Nine Cat Chakras
- Cathenge and modern Cat Worship in the 21st Century