The Space Cat Ballad

Space Cat Ballad

When your cat does purr purr and purr

Hark ye unto her timeless wisdom pure!

When your cat looks upward to the stars

Within her soul something special stirs.

Does not that messenger of light,

Beautiful Vega, shining bright,

Embellishing the Northern Sky,

Reflecting upon her upturned eye,

Bestow dreams unto her feline mind?

Of long lost forgotten fates entwined,

And speak of a cat civilization of the past

That ruled the interstellar spaces vast.

Did not bipedal spacecats a zenith reach?

Universal wisdom did they not teach?

The arts of pleasure they most enjoyed

And yet their love planet was destroyed.

When your cat does purr purr and purr

Hark ye unto her timeless wisdom pure!

If a cat could but shed a grieving tear

She’d shed as many as she sheds fur.

Here begins a cosmic tale of cats in space,

And strange beginnings for the human race.

The story of Lemewria and the Catolith

– Feline symbols of an antediluvian myth.

Here too the tale of lizards on the make

And all the devastation left in their wake.

The Disco Reptilians with all their might

Did so mercilessly the cat world smite!

Never ever say that all is completely lost:

Twenty-three light years some cats were tossed

From Vega to Earth at the Ice Age’s close

And the Cult of the Cat Priestess there arose!

When your cat does purr purr and purr

Hark ye unto her timeless wisdom pure!

Unexplainable monuments in every land

Mystic secrets of the ancient feline mind!

When the Cat Priestesses from outer space

Purred in harmony the huge stones into place.

The great pyramids rose up to meet the sky –

Only the sphinx and I know the reason why . . .

And Cat Priestesses of the Northern Isles

Employing all their witchy ways and wiles

To levitate alone each stone of Stonehenge –

Withstanding relentless Reptilian revenge!

All the great ruins of all forgotten ages

Are sacred books with stones instead of pages

All these temples cat people did construct

For their child, the human race, to instruct.

When your cat does purr purr and purr

Hark ye unto her timeless wisdom pure!

In her heart dwells sweet holofelinity

The feline form of universal divinity.

Crystalline cat cities of icy towers melted away

When those crazy lizards came to earth to play

Lemewrian civilization vanished in the flood

And yet the Cat Priestesses called not for blood.

The Disco Reptilians for all their rage and might

Could not extinguish that feline inner light:

Each act of hate was by boundless love repaid.

And so the lizard fury did falter and did fade.

Mighty Cats from outer space may no more yet be

But in the humble housecat echoes their legacy

No more clever being than a cat roams this earth

In her meditative mind she is certain of her worth.

When your cat does purr purr and purr

Hark ye unto her timeless wisdom pure!

When your cat does purr purr and purr

Hark ye unto her timeless wisdom pure!

Hark ye unto her timeless wisdom pure!

The “Space Cat Sessions” at Cathenge! Starting May 11th

Space Cat Sessions is an on site multimedia slideshow presentation of the Cathenge Mythos by David Normal with musical accompaniment by Xxhe (Ręal Varnes) at the Cathenge installation.  Patricia’s Green, Hayes Valley, San Francisco

Bi-weekly series every Thursday evening at 9 PM 

Starting May 11th, 2023.


  1. Thurs. May 11th 9PM
  2. Thurs. May 25th 9PM
  3. Thurs. Jun 8th 9PM
  4. Thurs. Jun 22nd 9PM
  5. Thurs. Jul 6th 9PM
  6. Thurs. Jul 20th 9PM
  7. Thurs. Aug 3rd 9PM
  8. Thurs. Aug 17th 9PM
  9. Thurs. Aug 31st 9PM
  10. Thurs. Sep 14th 9PM
  11. Thurs. Sep 28th 9PM
  12. Thurs. Oct 12th 9PM
  13. Thurs. Oct 26th 9PM

Cathenge Mythos Talk – the Saga of the Space Cats, our Feline Overlords 

Lecture by David Normal (Creator of Cathenge Cat Temple)

45 min power point presentation +Q&A

The Cathenge Mythos is the saga of the Lyran Space Cats, our ancient extraterrestrial feline overlords and the true creators of the human race.  Learn how the Lyran Space Cats came to Earth at the height of the Ice Age, and of their awesome cosmic powers, and the lost secrets of how the Egyptian Pyramids were really built.  

In this fast-paced and densely information packed Power Point Presentation, Artist and Researcher, David Normal (Creator of the Cathenge Cat Temple), will reveal the results of years of esoteric research into the history of the Extraterrestrial Space Cats from the Lyran star system.

Topics Covered:

  • Feline Life in the Ancient Cat Civilization on Planet Lemewria orbiting the Pole Star Vega
  • Holofelinity:  Universal Cat Consciousness
  • Cat Goddesses of the Lyran Religion
  • The Cat Priestesshood of Pussiopolis
  • Lyran Cat People and the interstellar “Starseed” races.
  • The “Disco-Lyran Wars” between Lyran Cat People and Disco Reptilians
  • “Pizzazium” and recreational transubstantiation among mystic felines
  • How and why cats shoot lasers from their eyes
  • The Orb of Holofelinity and its destruction
  • Origins of the Catolith – Sacred Symbol of Holofelinity
  • Arrival of Lyrans on Planet Earth
  • Catlantis and New Lemewria – Ice Age Cat Civilizations
  • Pro-wrestling and the creation of the human race
  • Pursuit to Earth by the Disco Reptilians
  • The Great Cat Mau, the Yonger Dryass and the Legends of the Deluge
  • Enki, Thoth,  Quetzalcoatl and the Feline Teachers of Civilization
  • “Annunaki”  – The Draconian Heresy and the enslavement of mankind
  • The departure of the Cat People from Planet Earth
  • Sekhmet, Bastet, Tefnut – Secrets of the Egyptian Cat Goddesses
  • Holofelinity and the Housecat
  • Kitty Kundalini – reclaiming the Nine Cat Chakras
  • Cathenge and modern Cat Worship in the 21st Century

The Orb of Holofelinity upon the Catopian Planet of Lemewria

Upon long lost Lemewria the Lyrans dwelt in a “Catopia” of perfect feline harmony under the Law of Holofelinity, “Universal Cat Consciousness”. Lemewria was at once an idyllic microcosmos of all that a respectable peace-loving feline citizen of the Catopian planet-state of perfect cat love could hope for, as well as an uncompromising wilderness filled with unpredictable natural phenomena (and replete with succulent prey for the dominant race of feline apex predators to pursue and consume!). Lemewria was a realm of architectural wonders – cat trees and scratching posts of enormous size and architectural grandeur (and much more!). At the center of all of these wonders was a sacred globe – the “Orb of Holofelinity” which was not only a mystical shrine reverenced by all Lyrans of Lemewria, but was also a functioning power generator that resonated and magnified the collective consciousness of the Lyrans. Through the power of Holofelinity, Universal Cat Consciousness, the cats were able to lead their ideal lives. Many chose to live more in a dream world than in physical reality and would spend their time floating on balls of rice, basically being – not just pretending – but being sushi. This pastime was facilitated by a rare element, “Pizzazium”, which facilitated these polymorphic “transcommodifications”. Ultimately, it was the reliance on Pizzazium that precipitated the downfall of the Lyrans and the total destruction of their beautiful home planet at the hands of the Disco Reptilians. Yet it is believed that when they fled Lemewria the Lyrans preserved with them fragments of the Orb of Holofelinity that had been shattered in the apocalyptic conflagration. These fragments still retained significant power, and it was through the use of the Shards of Holofelinity that the Lyran Space Cats built the antediluvian civilization of Catlantis upon Earth.

Eternal Enemies! Cats vs. Lizards!!

Felines and Reptiles: Forever foes throughout space and time. Two great space races descended from the stars. The Lyrans call their home the pole star, Vega, in the constellation of Lyra. The Disco Reptilians call their home the pole star, Alpha Draconis (aka; “Thuban”), in the constellation Draco. The reptilians are intrepid wanderers setting forth from their remote dwelling within the star Thuban. Their physical composition has no vulnerability to heat and so it is possible for them to live within a blazing star. Their actual weakness is love, a power which they cannot accept. If love is given to a Disco Reptilian unconditionally then they are forced to transform and become a completely non-physical entity which serves love and only love without limit. Yet, it is precisely this strategy that few beings, let alone races of beings, have the power to realize. When faced with powerful enemies possessed with an uncompromising and unreasoning lust for destruction few can find it within themselves to return such treatment with love and compassion. Thus, countless extraterrestrial peoples and their great civilizations throughout the galaxy have succumbed to the destructive whims of the Disco Reptilians. Ultimately, however, this was the triumph of the Lyran Space Cats upon Earth when they had their final confrontation with the Disco Reptilians: The Lyrans chose love, pure love, and the Disco Reptilians were forced to ascend to the higher realm of the angels.

Pizzazium – The Undoing of Lemewria

“Pizzazium” is only a mere approximation of this mysterious missing element, this lost philosopher’s stone, this wonder drug of the cat civilization of Lemewria that once orbited Vega the pole star. Some scholars refer to the conflict between Disco-Reptilians and the Lyran Space Cats as the “Pizzazium Wars” not only due to the amount of style and glamour with which this long fought battle was waged on both sides, but because the essential conflict was over this precious substance, “Pizzazium.” Presumably, the last supplies of this powerful psychoactive element were lost in the destruction of Lemewria apprx. 100,000 BCE. Before this, Lyran Space Cats gradually became addicted to “Transcommodification” – a kind of disassociative polymorphism that was found a relaxing and supremely pleasurable feline pastime which led to widespread epidemic of addiction to becoming – ultimately and for lack of a better description – pizza. Yes, pizza . . .

Awesome and Destructive Power of the Disco Reptilians

Disco Reptilians, both the males and the females of the ancient race, enjoy destruction for its own sake. As we cannot blame a predator for being a predator, so why should not these cold-blooded extraterrestrials enjoy the suffering they inflict upon all? For them destruction is sexy – a glamorous dance of pleasure. They hunt the galaxy seeking the weak and the decadent civilizations that have grown too fragile and exotic to defend themselves against the thumping onslaught of groovy party reptiloids. Thrashing their tails and gnashing their teeth in time to a frantically funky syncopation of whirling asteroids and exploding technicolor planetoids in scintillating orbit around their colossal Motherships, the Disco Reptilians transform entire solar systems into charnel yet flashy nightclubs of doom as they demolish once mighty and advanced civilizations and crush to smithereens entire planets and swallow whole their moons.

Lyran Cat Lords vs. Disco Reptilians (Eternal Conflict!!!)

The planet Lemewria, the ancestral home of the Lyran Space Cats, located in the constellation of Lyra, orbiting the pole star Vega, was the center of Cat Civilization informed by the power of Holofelinity, “Universal Cat Consciousness”, that prioritized mind over matter. Eventually the ascendency of the spiritual over matter led to a decadence and decline in Feline Civilization on Lemewria that so weakened the once noble space cat race that they were susceptible to attack by “Disco Reptilians”. Thus began the Disco-Lyran Wars that raged for 100,00 years!