That most celebrated sorceress of Greek Myth, Beautiful Circe, was famed for her ability to transform men into animals. The tale of her enchanted isle where Odysseus’s men are transformed into swine, echoes the history of the magic powers of the Cat Priestesses. Even as the spirits of the Cat Priestesses of Lost Lemewria resided on Earth only within the Catoliths, the shards of the Orb of Holofelinity, their power to transform life on Earth was great.

Earth was like a fresh canvas for the Cat Priestesses to paint their ideal picture upon. It was a living canvas, and their subjects were not only the plants and animals in all their variety, but the elements themselves and the very climate and geography of Earth. From the depths of the frigid seas at the height of the ice age, arose two continents: New Lemewria in the Pacific (named for their lost home planet), and Catlantis in the Atlantic.
The Cat Priestesses had the capacity to manipulate with great facility the DNA code of living organisms using the the psychokinetic power of their own minds, the power of Holofelinity. For them it was like weaving a tapestry. Woven into this tapestry most centrally was Homo Sapiens. It was around 70,000 years ago, a point in geological history marked by the eruption of the supervolcano, Toba, on what is now the island of Sumatra in present day Indonesia, that the Lyrans, in the aftermath of this eruption which blanketed the globe with a 1/4 inch of ash, that the Cat Priestesses, first created humanity as we recognize ourselves today. Taking indigenously occurring local proto-human primates, the Cat Priestesses wove strands of their own Lyran DNA code into that of the primates. This Lyran DNA was the proverbial “Missing Link” of evolutionary theory. The tiny number of surviving proto-humans were all given this Lyran DNA and made subservient to the Cat Priestesses who presided over them in the forms of beautiful women with the heads of lions, leopards, cheetahs, and tigers.

Upon New Lemewria and Catlantis the Cat Priestesses created cat civilizations that aspired to the finest values of Lyran Cat Civilization on Lost Lemewria, namely the celebration of beauty and the pursuit of pleasure above all. Yet, the Lyran Cat People were feline in essence and therefore always fundamentally predators at heart. For Lyrans beauty and pleasure was often found in the thrill of the hunt and the submission of the prey. Lyran civilization evolved predation into sado-masochistic rituals that were at once religion, theater, sport and – not least of all – sexual indulgence. In this spirit, the earliest Homo-Sapiens were created mostly for the pleasure and amusement of their Cat Lords and Ladies. It should be noted that by this time the Cat Priestesses from Lyra had incarnated on Earth into both Male and Female forms – Gods and Goddesses to humankind – but for the Lyrans themselves it was a replication of the social order that once existed on their home planet (I will return to this subject later).