In human history, one of the truly definitive moments was when the Egyptian solar deity, Atum Ra, transformed himself into the Great Cat Mau and beheaded the Demon Serpent Apep who threatened to destroy the Ennead (pantheon of nine Egyptian deities) that dwelt in the “Ished Tree” (Tree of Life).

Like so many antediluvian stories, the details are rather hazy, but I can set the record straight: The incident described in the Egyptian myth describes the final victory (circa 12,900 years ago) of the Lyran Cat Priestesses over the dreaded Disco Reptilians. This was a conflict that started on a planet orbiting the pole star, Vega, 25 light years away from Earth.

This planet, known as “Lemewria”, was the home planet of the Lyran Cat people whose highly spiritual existence informed a civilization devoted to beauty, pleasure and love.

Indeed, it was such a perfectly beautiful utopia of orgiastic sensual gratification that it attracted the implacable enmity of the Disco Reptilians whose sole gratification, diametrically opposed to the values of the Lyrans, was in inflicting suffering in all its forms upon others. For Reptilians, subjugation equals celebration, and there’s was an interstellar discotheque of wanton destruction. Ultimately, the highest flowering of Lyran civilization was decadent and resulted in weakness through an excess of self-indulgence and so it was that Lemewria fell completely to the Disco-Reptilians who utterly destroyed the Cat Planet.

Even today astronomers observe mysterious clouds of dust encircling the star Vega – these are the remnants of Great Lemewria and its many satellites, all that is left of the cosmic homeland of the Lyrans.

The “Cat Priestesshood of Pussiopolis” existed on Lemewria as a sacred order of female Lyrans whose special duty it was to care for the “Orb of Holofelinity”, a vast crystalline orb composed of the mysterious element of “Pizzazzium”. This Orb of Holofelinity generated the “Universal Cat Consciousness” that allowed all Lyrans to manifest their dreams through the power of their minds. Lyran society was based pre-eminently upon the mind, and through the power of thought alone a Lyran could be anything or create anything. The Cat Priestesses were the stewardesses of this metaphysical power and their ethos was one of beauty, pleasure, and love above all.

They were beings of limitless compassion devoted to the pursuit of endless pleasure. Through providing this power generously to Lyran society they unintentionally fostered a world where the majority of Lyrans chose to occupy their time by transforming themselves into pizza. It sounds very odd, but actually it is logical: If all you want in life is to experience pleasure then you will wish to BE pleasure itself, and pleasure in its purest form is actually pizza. Nothing is better than pizza.

Earth’s turns in “Great Years” that mark the complete precession of the equinoxes over a 26,000 year period and the transit of the entire zodiacal circle. From our present new age of Aquarius, if we look back merely 4 Great Years we see an Earth in the depths of the Ice Age and aligned not with the pole star Polaris, but with the pole star, Vega. This was the earth that the Lyran Cat Priestesses, refugees exiled from their long lost love planet of Lemewria, beheld when they arrived. Girded in mighty glaciers, the Lyrans beheld crystalline beauty in every snowflake and an exhilarating freedom from persecution – for the Lyrans; Earth was salvation.

Perhaps it seems unimportant to which star Earth aligns, but for those like the Lyrans who used not spaceships, but the power of their own minds to cross the vastness of space this alignment was very important. At that time, between Earth and Vega there was an electromagnetic concordance, a standing wave, a “wormhole” that allowed the Lyrans to transubstantiate from the demise of Lemewria to the dawn of Earth. There in the wilderness of Earth, when they beheld the great prehistoric cats, Saber Tooth Tigers, Smilodons, the Lyrans were smitten and melded their form with that of the Cats they admired.

Combinations of human with animal, such as are seen in the iconography of Ancient Egypt, are termed “therianthropic” or “Theriencephalic”, and the earliest humans beheld their creators, the Lyran Cat People, as having human bodies and the heads of lions.