Disco Reptilians, both the males and the females of the ancient race, enjoy destruction for its own sake. As we cannot blame a predator for being a predator, so why should not these cold-blooded extraterrestrials enjoy the suffering they inflict upon all? For them destruction is sexy – a glamorous dance of pleasure. They hunt the galaxy seeking the weak and the decadent civilizations that have grown too fragile and exotic to defend themselves against the thumping onslaught of groovy party reptiloids. Thrashing their tails and gnashing their teeth in time to a frantically funky syncopation of whirling asteroids and exploding technicolor planetoids in scintillating orbit around their colossal Motherships, the Disco Reptilians transform entire solar systems into charnel yet flashy nightclubs of doom as they demolish once mighty and advanced civilizations and crush to smithereens entire planets and swallow whole their moons.