These images show cats indulging in the disassociative feline bliss of holofelinity known as “Transcommodification”. Lyran Cat society was divided chiefly into two castes; a clerical or priestly class known as “Felis” and a warrior or engineer class known as “Panthera”. These castes were equal but different and both were required for the smooth functioning of the Catopia that thrived on ancient Lemewria. However, it is a sad historical fact that it was the Felis caste of cats, with their love of cerebral metaphysics and altered states of consciousness, that became addicted to transcommodifying themselves. First it begins with “Sushinium” (a light recreational transcommodifying agent) and the cats start turning into sushi, then it progresses to hot dogs, and finally – in the most severe stages of the addiction – pizza itself (the worst!). The states of transcommodification are facilitated by a rare element known as “Pizzazium”, which is, for all practical purposes an addictive drug – one with often irreversible effects.