Cathenge DC -In Proposal to the DC Commission on Arts and Humanities – July 2025

Would you like to see Cathenge installed as public art in SW DC?

Support artist David Normal’s goal of installing Cathenge in “Linear Park” the park in the roundabout at the terminus of Maryland Av. SW in DC SW, Ward 6.   

Cathenge DC is in proposal to the DC Commission on Art and Humanities for consideration in the “Public Art Building Communities”  grant program that awards funds annually for new public art throughout Washington DC.  The grant deadline is July 22nd 2025.

 As a 3D printed sculptural installation, Cathenge represents the leading edge of ambition for the artistic application of large format additive printing.  The sculptures are a multi-media fusion:  3D  printing, LED lighting, lasers, sound, vibration and electronic interactive sensing are integral to the effect and provide visitors with a direct and palpable experience of the mystical Space Cat consciousness.

Visitors to Cathenge experience the majesty of the Catoliths through their interactive sound and lights.  People moving within the circle of cat statues are detected by LiDAR beams.  Soft harmonic purring tones and synchronized pulsing lights are generated which respond directly to the movement.  These interactive light and sound effects evoke the power of Holofelinity.


Cathenge DC Visualization


Proposed Site of Cathenge: “Linear Park”, Maryland Ave. SW, Washington DC


The Catolith.  Mystic cat statue of the Ancient Space Cat.


Cathenge at Patricia’s Green, Hayes Valley, San Francisco

Currently, “Cathenge DC” is being proposed to the DC Commission on Arts and Humanities for their “Public Art Building Communities” (PABC) grant which provides funding for public art installations that foster and strengthen community throughout Washington DC.


Cathenge was on display for 16 months, from October 2022 to March 2024, in downtown San Francisco.   Sponsored by the San Francisco Arts Commission, it was displayed at the prestigious Patricia’s Green sculpture site in the fashionable Hayes Valley district of SF near the Davies Symphony Hall. 

Cathenge began as a Burning Man Foundation funded “Honorarium Project” that  was presented at the annual Burning Man arts festival in the Black Rock Desert of Northern Nevada.

“Cathenge DC” will be a newly revised and improved version of the recent SF installation that features great improvements in the sound and light interactivity of the installation the SF Standard called “Insanely Popular”.


About the Artist:

David Normal is a painter, animator, and installation maker based in the SF Bay Area.  Normal got his start making fliers for the hardcore punk scene in the Bay Area in the mid-80s.  Normal began contributing to the Burning Man Festival in the mid ‘90s. Normal’s accomplishments were recognized in a solo exhibition of lightbox-murals at the British Library in
London in 2015, “Crossroads of Curiosity”. In 2022 he created “Cathenge”, the Cat Temple, for the San Francisco Arts Commission. This public art installation was displayed at Patricia’s Green Park in Hayes Valley, San Francisco from October of 2022 through March of 2024.  Currently David Normal has newly established a studio in West Oakland for producing 3D printed installation art.


More info about Cathenge can be found on the website:

About Cathenge

Note:  This proposal was begun in 2023, but couldn’t be completed in time for the 2023 grant cycle, so I am finishing it now, and hope to turn in the grant by the deadline on July 22nd 2024.

For the seriously interested:

Here is a link to the proposal draft underway.  You can learn all about Cathenge DC by reading the answer to the DC CAH questions:

The Space Cat Ballad

Space Cat Ballad

When your cat does purr purr and purr

Hark ye unto her timeless wisdom pure!

When your cat looks upward to the stars

Within her soul something special stirs.

Does not that messenger of light,

Beautiful Vega, shining bright,

Embellishing the Northern Sky,

Reflecting upon her upturned eye,

Bestow dreams unto her feline mind?

Of long lost forgotten fates entwined,

And speak of a cat civilization of the past

That ruled the interstellar spaces vast.

Did not bipedal spacecats a zenith reach?

Universal wisdom did they not teach?

The arts of pleasure they most enjoyed

And yet their love planet was destroyed.

When your cat does purr purr and purr

Hark ye unto her timeless wisdom pure!

If a cat could but shed a grieving tear

She’d shed as many as she sheds fur.

Here begins a cosmic tale of cats in space,

And strange beginnings for the human race.

The story of Lemewria and the Catolith

– Feline symbols of an antediluvian myth.

Here too the tale of lizards on the make

And all the devastation left in their wake.

The Disco Reptilians with all their might

Did so mercilessly the cat world smite!

Never ever say that all is completely lost:

Twenty-three light years some cats were tossed

From Vega to Earth at the Ice Age’s close

And the Cult of the Cat Priestess there arose!

When your cat does purr purr and purr

Hark ye unto her timeless wisdom pure!

Unexplainable monuments in every land

Mystic secrets of the ancient feline mind!

When the Cat Priestesses from outer space

Purred in harmony the huge stones into place.

The great pyramids rose up to meet the sky –

Only the sphinx and I know the reason why . . .

And Cat Priestesses of the Northern Isles

Employing all their witchy ways and wiles

To levitate alone each stone of Stonehenge –

Withstanding relentless Reptilian revenge!

All the great ruins of all forgotten ages

Are sacred books with stones instead of pages

All these temples cat people did construct

For their child, the human race, to instruct.

When your cat does purr purr and purr

Hark ye unto her timeless wisdom pure!

In her heart dwells sweet holofelinity

The feline form of universal divinity.

Crystalline cat cities of icy towers melted away

When those crazy lizards came to earth to play

Lemewrian civilization vanished in the flood

And yet the Cat Priestesses called not for blood.

The Disco Reptilians for all their rage and might

Could not extinguish that feline inner light:

Each act of hate was by boundless love repaid.

And so the lizard fury did falter and did fade.

Mighty Cats from outer space may no more yet be

But in the humble housecat echoes their legacy

No more clever being than a cat roams this earth

In her meditative mind she is certain of her worth.

When your cat does purr purr and purr

Hark ye unto her timeless wisdom pure!

When your cat does purr purr and purr

Hark ye unto her timeless wisdom pure!

Hark ye unto her timeless wisdom pure!

Miami Art Basel: David Normal’s Futuristic Installations

Documentary and Interview by Julia Schroeder

In December of 2023, I brought artwork to Art Basel Miami for the first time. It did not go unnoticed! Art historian and videomaker, Julia Schroeder, spotted it and approached me about doing a short video about my work. Over the Spring of 2024, we conducted a number of interviews and sifted through project documentation and last Friday, June 21st, the finished video popped up on the web.

It focuses on my adventure of bringing the Kittolith to Miami Art Week and displaying it in The Maze installation at Hotel Faena’s beachfront. Full story here.

Kittoliths grow up to be Catoliths

Refurbished Catoliths with new bases and “KISS” (Kittolith Interactive Sound System) adapted to the Catolith

It’s only natural that cats should have kittens, and plastic cat statues should therefore have their progeny too. The Coven of Catoliths gave birth to a Litter of Kittoliths.

After 5 years of design and production I feel that the Catolith is at last nearing its potential. The newly refurbished Catoliths that were just installed at KALW with their LiDAR based interactivity, battery operation, independent control via Raspberry Pi computer, and lighter more mobile wooden base actually exceed what I imagined for this artwork 5 years ago.

Below is a table showing the progression of techniques from one iteration of Cathenge to the next.

The Vision of Cathenge

From the beginning, the vision of Cathenge and of the Catolith Cat Statue has been exceedingly difficult to realize because it combines lighting effects and interactivity in very specific ways and is dependent on the large format 3D printing to achieve. However, each installation of Cathenge succeeded in communicating this vision in different ways, but never completely to my satisfaction, and that’s why I have continued working on the project.

The goal has been to express the concept of “Holofelinity: Universal Cat Consciousness”. Holofelinity is the magical power of the Ancient Lyran Space Cats to manifest their minds over matter and to transform themselves into any shape. This is expressed in the artwork as “Harmonic Purring” (AKA; “Purrbration of Holofelinity”), an evocation of the capacity of the Space Cats to purr their visions into material form.

Ancient Lyran Space Cat materialized as Bastet idol levitating pyramid using chromatic spectra of the Purrbration of Holofelinity.

The Kittolith

In order to reach this goal, it was instrumental to create a smaller version of the Catolith, the “Kittolith”:

The Kittolith at Miami Art Week

Because the Kittolith presents as a single statue instead of a circle of statues (as in Cathenge) it has been necessary to condense the interactive harmonic purring system into one sculpture. This has been done using LiDAR. People interact with the LiDAR beam extending from the collar of the Kittolith and trigger different frequencies (“Solfeggio Tones”). The infographic below shows how the Kittolith works with the use of Solfeggio sound healing tones:

From Kittolith to Catolith

The “Kittolith Interactive Sound System” (KISS) was adapted for use in the Catolith. The photo gallery below documents our process of creating the New Catolith. Essential to this process was the design and construction of a new wooden base for the Catolith.

CAD drawing of wooden Catolith base

This new, lighter base not only facilitates a wider range of possibilities of exhibitions because of its much reduced weight (compared to the previous concrete bases), but also resolves acoustic issues since the wooden base acts as a ported speaker cabinet for the subwoofer installed in the base. Below is a gallery of photos of the new Catolith and its new base under construction:

Opening Tues. June 11th: The Catoliths at KALW Studio Gallery!!

Group Show featuring:

Exhibition Opening and Live Broadcast Panel discussion with the artists moderated by Ben Trefny:

5 – 7 PM (doors open at 5, discussion at 6)
Tuesday, June 11th
220 Montgomery St., SF, CA 94104
Admission free – All ages

The exhibition will be up through August 1st 2024.

(Eventbrite link at bottom of page to reserve free tix)

Public broadcasting station, KALW, recently moved their radio station’s studios to the heart of San Francisco’s financial district where they reside in the ground floor lobby of the historic Mills Building located at 220 Montgomery (Montgomery and Bush). The spacious lobby provides a new and exciting arts and events space. KALW executive director, Ben Trefny, is curating a series of art exhibits in the lobby.

The KALW lobby space features large storefront windows looking out on busy Montgomery St. which are a perfect place to perch the Catoliths. Two Catoliths will be placed, one in each large window, on either side of the entrance to the radio station where they will be seen by motorists and pedestrians alike, and, of course, by visitors to the station. These Catoliths will feature their hallmark interactive purring (Purrbration of Holofelinity).

Cathenge by David Normal
Infinity Box by Matt Elson
Sculpture by Brenden Darby
Painting by Jesse Pemberton

The Space Cat Sessions – Handbills for 13 part Multimedia Presentation Series at Cathenge Patricia’s Green

From May through October of 2023 I presented at the Cathenge Cat Temple installation at Hayes Valley, San Francisco, a bi-weekly series of “Space Cat Sessions” that were multi-media story-telling presentations, PowerPoint Presentations using hundreds of images, recounting the Saga of the Lyran Space Cats, the “Space Cat Odyssey” of the “Cathenge Mythos”.

The Space Cat Odyssey is a tale of how the Space Cats lost their Love Planet of Lemewria in a catastrophic conflagration with the Dreaded Disco-Reptilians, how they transubstantiated to Planet Earth in the height of the Ice Age, and how eventually the Space Cats created humankind as pro-wrestling species for their feline amusement.

These events sometimes featured live music and dancing, and were always opened with the recitation of the “Space Cat Ballad” , and concluded with a supplementary talk on the making of Cathenge.

Space Cat Session Flyers: for Cathenge at Patricia’s Green Event Series:

Art Basel Kittolith Adventure: The Cat and The Maze!

David Normal with “Lunita” The Kittolith at Miami Beach, Miami ArtWeek 2023 (Photo: Julia Sinelnikova)
“Cathenge Cat Temple” by David Normal at Patricia’s Green Park, Hayes Valley, San Francisco 2022-24

Over the past few years, I’ve been very busy with installations of Cathenge, my 3D printed, Space Cat Temple that has appeared at Burning Man and been an SF Arts Commission public installation. For many years, Art Basel has snuck up on the calendar and happened without me attending and I’ve felt left out.  Finally, in 2023, the stars aligned – I was ready with the newly designed “Kittolith” to go to Art Basel!  The Kittolith is a smaller version (6’ tall) of the iconic Catolith (think Monolith of 2001 in the shape of a cat!) Cat Statue of Cathenge. The Kittolith can be disassembled into parts and fit into a couple of suitcases and taken on an airplane.   And so I did just that!  I packed the Kittolith up and reassembled it in my hotel room in Miami Beach and brought the Kittolith around to Miami ArtWeek (colloquially known as “Art Basel” for it’s eponymous lead art fair)!

Kittolith in pieces packed in a suitcase ready to fly to Miami!

I was so busy preparing the Kittolith, a 3D printed interactive sound-light sculpture, that I did not have time to plan in any detail for a tour of Miami ArtWeek’s many art fairs, venues, and events.  One thing that caught my attention immediately though, and completely captured my imagination, was “The Maze” on Miami Beach. It sounded great to me, and like the perfect place to display the Kittolith. This site-specific installation was a large maze designed using AI and built right on the beach in front of Hotel Faena by Chilean artist, Sebastian Errazuriz.  I had never heard of Errazuriz nor of Hotel Faena, but I knew intuitively that I wanted to bring my Kittolith to the center of The Maze.  That became my central goal and my only tangible objective for my adventure of bringing the Kittolith to Art Basel.

“The Maze” by Sebastian Errazuriz at Hotel Faena, Miami Beach 2023 (Photo: Faena Art)

In art terminology, an “intervention” is where one artist presents a work or a performance in another artist’s creation and context.  Surprise performance art pieces at art openings are examples of “intervention”.  Advanced by the Dadaists and the Situationists, intervention is more of a conceptual tactic than a specific artistic technique.  Famously, in 2019, artist David Datuna “intervened” on artist Maurizio Cattelan’s, “Comedian”, (the notorious $120k-banana-duct-taped-to-the-wall), and peeled and ate that banana – perfect!  Many interventions, like the aforementioned, have the quality of a prank (or – as the case may be – a prank upon a prank). However, bringing the Kittolith to the center of the maze was not a prank – it was a quest – a quest for an aesthetic truth.

Holofelinity in my Hotel Corridor, Miami Beach 2023

The Kittolith symbolizes the Power of Holofelinity (Universal Cat Consciousness – an intrinsic concept of the Cathenge Mythos).  Holofelinity is the divine feline power of mind over matter.  The ancient Lyran Space Cats built their Love Planet of Lemewria using their minds to profoundly manipulate matter into the forms of their imagination.  The Kittolith at the center of the maze is like the mind at the center of matter radiating the forms of desire into labyrinthine manifestations of reality.  Bringing the Kittolith to the heart of the maze was as much a ritual drama of mythic symbols transcending time as it was a specific artistic intervention in the thick of Art Basel 2023.

Julia Sinelnikova with the Kittolith Lunita inside The Maze by Sebastian Errazuriz

It’s said that when things are meant to happen, that the right people will appear at the right time to make it happen.  My friends, Dale Posner and Julia Sinelnikova, were the right people at the right time to encourage me and support me in this adventure. Both Dale and Julia are Art Basel veterans.  Dale was showing me around one night when we ran into Julia on Collins Ave. in South Beach.  Julia “Oracle” Sinelnikova is a sculptor from NYC, who was one of the original inspirations to Cathenge in 2018.  Julia agreed to help me bring the Kittolith to the heart of The Maze on Sunday evening.  I had brought the Kittolith into the lobby of Hotel Faena the preceding Saturday evening where the cat statue was enthusiastically welcomed by everyone around.  Hotel Faena staff and security had no objection to the Kittolith’s presence, and the following Sunday evening Julia, myself, and the Kittolith were again welcomed at Hotel Faena and allowed to bring the statue into the maze just before closing time on its final night.

Model and Fitness Guru, Amy Rodriguez, meets the Kittolith in The Maze.

Once we were inside The Maze, people were thrilled.  I don’t think anyone visiting The Maze had any idea that the Kittolith was not a part of the official plan.  People completely assumed the cat statue belonged there and they were eager to take their pictures with the Kittolith.  The cat fit in The Maze perfectly.  At one point the she ran out of batteries, but Julia happened to have a big powerbrick all charged up and we turned the cat right back on.  You can see how beautiful the Kittolith was in the center of Sebastian Errazuriz’s glorious “Maze” on the beach before Hotel Faena.  It was a great moment – one of those moments of fulfillment when you know that you’ve succeeded.

The Kittolith Lunita at the Heart of The Maze, Miami Beach 2023

Like I said, I had never heard of Hotel Faena before going to Art Basel last year.  I didn’t realize The Maze had anything to do with a hotel.  Hotel Faena was an extremely pleasant surprise to me.  I loved the lobby with its lavish murals full of alchemical heraldry, Damien Hirst’s golden mammoth, and the overall ambience that was so opulent and glamorous and yet so totally welcoming and friendly.  My friend Dale let me know that Hotel Faena awards a “Faena Prize” for artworks to be presented on the beach, and after I had brought the Kittolith to the heart of The Maze I was sure that I should apply for the Faena Prize in hopes of bringing the entire Cathenge Cat Temple to Miami Beach in the future.

The Kittolith Lunita admires Damien Hirst’s Mammoth in the Lobby of the Hotel Faena Miami Beach

I know that even if The Maze had existed totally independent of a sponsoring entity such as Hotel Faena, I would have brought the Kittolith to The Maze and been satisfied with that in and of itself, but ultimately it was more consequential than I had even expected because the photos taken of the Kittolith at Sebastian Errazuriz’s Maze in front of the hotel are an effective proof of concept for Cathenge on Miami Beach.  These photos, which have illustrated this story, will be part of the proposal to be submitted for the Hotel Faena Art Prize.

Cats using their Purring Power of Holofelinity to levitate stones into place at a neolithic site on the Isle of Cat, a self-governing British Cat Dependency located in the Irish Sea.

This adventure of bringing the Kittolith to The Maze at Art Basel is an object lesson in Holofelinity which shows the power of imagination and desire to manifest reality.  The Maze and Cathenge share in common technologically advanced methods of creation (The Maze was AI generated and Cathenge was 3D printed). They are interactive and immersive art environments.  As Art Basel expands in popularity it attracts a much wider demographic than just art collectors, and many visitors seek pure aesthetic experience rather than collecting art.  Interactive artworks that immerse the audience completely will gain in importance, and Faena Art is at the curatorial forefront of this trend.  As new forms of technology continue to expand artistic possibilities, the Cat in the Maze is a harbinger of greater things to come!

Space Cat Session II – Thursday May 25th 2023

On Thursday, May 25th at 9PM join us for the second installment of the “Space Cat Session Series” at Cathenge at Patricia’s Green in Hayes Valley. Within the uniquely cosmic ambience of David Normal’s Cathenge Cat Temple art installation we’ll continue to explore the mysteries of the Cathenge Mythos – the epic tale 0f the Space Cats and their journey through the cosmos. In this second session we’ll focus in greater depth on the sacred order of the Cat Priestesshood of Pussiopolis and their rituals of Holofelinity – Universal Cat Consciousness.

Facebook Event Page:

The “Space Cat Sessions” at Cathenge! Starting May 11th

Space Cat Sessions is an on site multimedia slideshow presentation of the Cathenge Mythos by David Normal with musical accompaniment by Xxhe (Ręal Varnes) at the Cathenge installation.  Patricia’s Green, Hayes Valley, San Francisco

Bi-weekly series every Thursday evening at 9 PM 

Starting May 11th, 2023.


  1. Thurs. May 11th 9PM
  2. Thurs. May 25th 9PM
  3. Thurs. Jun 8th 9PM
  4. Thurs. Jun 22nd 9PM
  5. Thurs. Jul 6th 9PM
  6. Thurs. Jul 20th 9PM
  7. Thurs. Aug 3rd 9PM
  8. Thurs. Aug 17th 9PM
  9. Thurs. Aug 31st 9PM
  10. Thurs. Sep 14th 9PM
  11. Thurs. Sep 28th 9PM
  12. Thurs. Oct 12th 9PM
  13. Thurs. Oct 26th 9PM

Cathenge Mythos Talk – the Saga of the Space Cats, our Feline Overlords 

Lecture by David Normal (Creator of Cathenge Cat Temple)

45 min power point presentation +Q&A

The Cathenge Mythos is the saga of the Lyran Space Cats, our ancient extraterrestrial feline overlords and the true creators of the human race.  Learn how the Lyran Space Cats came to Earth at the height of the Ice Age, and of their awesome cosmic powers, and the lost secrets of how the Egyptian Pyramids were really built.  

In this fast-paced and densely information packed Power Point Presentation, Artist and Researcher, David Normal (Creator of the Cathenge Cat Temple), will reveal the results of years of esoteric research into the history of the Extraterrestrial Space Cats from the Lyran star system.

Topics Covered:

  • Feline Life in the Ancient Cat Civilization on Planet Lemewria orbiting the Pole Star Vega
  • Holofelinity:  Universal Cat Consciousness
  • Cat Goddesses of the Lyran Religion
  • The Cat Priestesshood of Pussiopolis
  • Lyran Cat People and the interstellar “Starseed” races.
  • The “Disco-Lyran Wars” between Lyran Cat People and Disco Reptilians
  • “Pizzazium” and recreational transubstantiation among mystic felines
  • How and why cats shoot lasers from their eyes
  • The Orb of Holofelinity and its destruction
  • Origins of the Catolith – Sacred Symbol of Holofelinity
  • Arrival of Lyrans on Planet Earth
  • Catlantis and New Lemewria – Ice Age Cat Civilizations
  • Pro-wrestling and the creation of the human race
  • Pursuit to Earth by the Disco Reptilians
  • The Great Cat Mau, the Yonger Dryass and the Legends of the Deluge
  • Enki, Thoth,  Quetzalcoatl and the Feline Teachers of Civilization
  • “Annunaki”  – The Draconian Heresy and the enslavement of mankind
  • The departure of the Cat People from Planet Earth
  • Sekhmet, Bastet, Tefnut – Secrets of the Egyptian Cat Goddesses
  • Holofelinity and the Housecat
  • Kitty Kundalini – reclaiming the Nine Cat Chakras
  • Cathenge and modern Cat Worship in the 21st Century